Sunday 27 March 2022

My new Thermo & some prep for retreat

 Don’t get too excited that I have posted twice this month.  I have been having fun with my Thermo. There is so much to learn. I have found some tasty snacks hubby and I like to have each night. So, the weekends I make a batch that will hopefully last the week. 

So tonight I made some for this week.

Parmesan crisps, beer & chilli peanut clusters, coffee martini’s and later in the evening garlic prawn risottos. ( sorry, no photo with that one.)

These are the best snack with a glass of wine. So yummy and tasty. Parmesan easy to make.

These are great with a coffee. Chilli & beer peanut clusters.

Oh yummy

All while I have been trying to get ready for retreat. I was told there would be a SAL if we wanted. Of course I would, that’s all the reason for sewing with others.

42 blocks cut at 10” square was needed. Then a 6.5” border will be added. Sew it altogether then cut it up and sew it together again. Oh it sounds like fun…. doesn’t it?

Well here are my cut outs and planning. Who knows what it will end up looking like. I apologise if there are double ups. I do not know where I am going with this. I took loads more photos of layouts. It will end up what ever way it does.

All different layouts. I am so confused.

Where have I got to.

This what I am hoping for.
I can’t remember which one I have decided on but they are cut, stacked, marked and ready for sewing. 
I still have to choose a border.

Sunday 20 March 2022

It has been a while and I have a few things to share

Thank you to all of you who have messaged concerned with my absence.
I have been flat out at work and come home mentally exhausted. So have not been in the mood for sewing or any crafting. I sit here of an evening watching rubbish on tv. At least I don’t have to concentrate. I think there has been a build up of many things which are being worked through. So this morning I felt up to doing a post. A long one too. 
Thank you all quilting friends for caring.

Are you ready. Maybe grab a cuppa first.

Work has begun on the repair of my ceiling. It only took about a month to get it started.
Anyway it has. We now have a nicely cut square in the ceiling ready to be patched.

No more hole and Watching plaster/paint dry

It has now all dried and is back to the way it should be..

The local Arts Theatre was putting on a stage show ‘MAMA MIA’. We both have been to Melbourne and seen this live too. We thought how nice it would be to go out here to support the locals. It was a fun night and of course we enjoyed a bubbly together.

A few weeks ago my friends came over for a little bit of fun for my birthday. We had a cook up play around day with my new Thermomix. It was brilliant. While this was happening there was also a Chooky Zoom day. So I kept popping in for a laugh. We had a great day.

I have spent a week away on holidays catching up with friends but more importantly we finally got to see my MIL who we haven’t seen in over 2 years. She lives in a home in Paynesville so we thought we would surprise her and that we did.

We had not booked any accommodation because we did not exactly know when we would be there. When we arrived in Bairnsdale our usual motel was booked out, so was the next one. After driving for 4 hours we just wanted a room. We pulled up at this motel and there were 3 rooms let. 2 of which were at the front on the busy highway with trucks passing all night so we splurged and got this room at the back of the motel After-all it was my birthday.

When we got back home I have a few days to rest and I finally got up the enthusiasm to clean my sewing room and actually sew something. The first time in weeks. 
We have a round robin SAL happening at our group. As I have not been in the sewing mood I did not want to commit to something large so I have decided on a small kids quilt. This cute dog stitched block had been donated to me soi thought this was a great way to use it up. We are going to have about 6 rounds total and each month one will be drawn out. All I knew is that I needed to use red, black and white. 

The first month drawn out was STARS. Our round had to have something to do with stars. They could be embroidered, stitched, pieced or appliqué. 
I had in my head what I wanted to do but had to work out how. Start sewing small star points. 
Those red squares are cut at 1”. 

My border finishes at 2” wide. Scattered stars. I am happy with the way it frames the centre blog.

Our quilt group celebrated INTERNATIONAL QUILTERS DAY with all meeting in the park and having a wonderful sit’n’sew day.

 I hope you have enjoyed my catch up and I think I might actually sew another placemat today.