Sunday 20 October 2024

Bag making

 I have been so busy settling Tony in and trying to get into a routine. We are not sleeping well at night so having a few naps during the day. Today was the first day we didn’t have to go to an appointment and no one was visiting.. I haven't sewn on the machine in about 10 weeks. So today was the day I decided to make a bag. I need a backpack for an upcoming trip so I have been searching YouTube. I found some amazing tutorials.

I only need a backpack that packs away small, fits a change of clothes or holds some shopping.

I cannot get out to shop for any extra items so I used what was on hand. 

I had some small wooden rings. They were used instead of square buckles. I found this beautiful piece of striped linen. A great weight so I didn’t need to line it with anything. I didn’t want it padded or quilted.
It can be used as a bag or backpack.

It’s a great size, lightweight and I am so happy with it.

Have a look at this tutorial if you want to give it a go. It didn’t take long to make either.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Exciting news. Tony is coming home.

 Tony is coming home Wednesday. It will be a complete life change for me. I have finished work to become his full time carer. He is not to be left alone at this stage so it will be a learning curve for me. 

This will be a 24/7 job.

He is not happy in hospital, not eating well and feeling a bit depressed. Hopefully things will change once he is home.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Sashiko and Boro work

  I have really been enjoying some hand work in the last couple of months. 

I finished my Sashiko piece

I have also finished my Boro piece while sitting in the hospital with Tony.

I added a different colour, blue, where I used the masking tape dividers.

Then I put in a mustard thread in the centre of these for a bit of colour.

I circled around the fish.. Japanese pyjamas were used in this piece.

My piece is now finished. Now I must decide how to cut it up and what to use it for.

I have really enjoyed stitching this. It was so relaxing and passed away the time so easily.

Monday 7 October 2024

Keeping busy in hospital visiting hours

 So, while sitting beside my husband's bedside I have been busy tying teabag strings together and knitting.

I have finished one scarf.

And started tying and rolling for the next one. I am tying enough to weigh 45 grams to allow for different size strings, more knots and different thicknesses. This should be plenty.

One scarf is 180 cms long.

40sts knitted on no. 4.5 mm (old no.7’s) needles.

40 grams of yarn/tea bag threads.

Thursday 3 October 2024

The last in CHOOKSHED challenge. No.8

 Well it’s the last number in the CHOOKSHED Challenge. So my 8. A Christmas themed item. I’m not sure what I will do yet but I do need to make a Xmas cushion for my local quilt group Kris Kringle.

Mmmm… I think I have something in mind. Watch this space.

Saturday 28 September 2024

FINALLY IT WORKED ......... Photos of CHOOKSHED September Challenge to no. 7

 I did it. My September challenge is done. No. 7 … a good number….

Bonnie Hunter Frolic is completed ready for it to be gifted.

I had so much trouble uploading these photos. Anyway, after getting onto the laptop it worked.


Thanks, Deana, for the push to get some UFO's done.

Monday 16 September 2024

CHOOKSHED challenge progress

 I have been very busy with work and spending a lot of hours at the hospital with my husband. There has been slow progress with him but it is better than none. He is now taking some steps with staff by his side. Small steps are progress. It will be a long road. 

I take my Boro sewing in but no photo yet but there will be soon. Boro is a technique that requires not much concentration. It can be picked up and put down at any time. Just what I need.

Anyway. This months challenge is for me to hand sew the binding down on my Bonnie Hunter Frolic 2019 quilt. I had already machine sewn it on and now I just need to hand sew it down to finish it. 

I have had it out of the cupboard for 2 weeks sitting on the couch.

So tonight while I watch mindless tv late at night I have picked it up and started sewing. One side is nearly sewn down. Progress is progress no matter how small.

Linking up with Deana

Sunday 1 September 2024

A day at a time

 Hi everyone, I just want to say a very big thank you for your support. I haven’t replied to many emails I have received but please know I thank you and appreciate every message you have sent.

Any way, a quick update. My hubby is now in the rehab ward in hospital very close to home. It makes it easier to work a few hours a day, for my sanity, and still close enough for me to visit twice a day.

I work, visit, home for a nap then back to visit. I do fit in the other necessities like work, shopping, washing and eating. 

So here is Tony saying hi. Feeling a bit tired, sick of being in bed and not eating the hospital food is causing a few problems. He will get there. Now for Rehab to start…….

I am now comfortable with some sewing at the hospital. I am working on a Boro piece. I think I will use it in a back pac I need to make.

Saturday was the first time I picked up my sewing in 3 weeks. I felt comfortable and relaxed enough to pick up my hand quilting.
No. 3 CHOOKSHED challenge for August. I have done some but not as much as I had liked. Anyway. I will continue.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Not so good news

 I’ll be on a break from posting. I need some time to get back on track which could take some time. Unfortunately on the 13th of this month my husband, Tony, suffered a stroke. The ambulance staff had him to the hospital within 20 minutes of the 000 call. He had treatment and airlifted to the Royal Melbourne hospital. Was operated on, stabilised and transferred back to Mildura hospital last Thursday evening. He will be in hospital for some time. Unlimited/unknown. He lost his speech and all feeling down his right hand side. He now has his speech back, can move his right leg but not his arm/hand but has sensation back in it. He can feed himself soft foods with his left hand. It is going to take some time for him to be up and about but he will get there.

So for me, I do not know when I will be settled enough to catch up on blogging so please give me some time. I have to readjust to hospital visits and work. Spending time with therapists and helping Tony as much as possible. 

I know you will support me and some, who know, already have. I do appreciate it.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Janet teaching us Boro…

 The next day we were shown and taught how to do Boro. I have done this before but did learn some new tips. Laying out my fabrics.

I laid down some painters tape to give me some straight lines to start with but it kept lifting. It didn’t stick very well.

So I replaced it with masking tape. So much better.

This is the aim I am going for. Lots of fairly straight lines close together.
I will also add some curved lines and circles too.

Loved this bag pattern

It is a free pattern here

I also like this pattern to that Janet has made. The cross body bag.

Here I am sitting and enjoying my stitching while listening to others chat.

I have quite a few hand stitching projects going on now. These will keep me busy for a while, I mean months….

We all had a great weekend of hand stitching. Once again, Thankyou Janet