Saturday 24 August 2024

Not so good news

 I’ll be on a break from posting. I need some time to get back on track which could take some time. Unfortunately on the 13th of this month my husband, Tony, suffered a stroke. The ambulance staff had him to the hospital within 20 minutes of the 000 call. He had treatment and airlifted to the Royal Melbourne hospital. Was operated on, stabilised and transferred back to Mildura hospital last Thursday evening. He will be in hospital for some time. Unlimited/unknown. He lost his speech and all feeling down his right hand side. He now has his speech back, can move his right leg but not his arm/hand but has sensation back in it. He can feed himself soft foods with his left hand. It is going to take some time for him to be up and about but he will get there.

So for me, I do not know when I will be settled enough to catch up on blogging so please give me some time. I have to readjust to hospital visits and work. Spending time with therapists and helping Tony as much as possible. 

I know you will support me and some, who know, already have. I do appreciate it.


Denice Barker said...

Oh, Jo, there is nothing I can say that will help you other than God bless. It sounds like Tony is making some progress and that's wonderful. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful how medicine has advanced in the treatment of stroke. Time is key. Sounds as though he is bounding back. Hope it continues and that you the caregiver take care of yourself. Hope to hear from you that he has fully recovered. Prayer for Tony and you. Dotti in CT

Maria said...

It’s good Tony is making some progress on his long road to recovery. Take care of yourself Jo. Lots of love ❤️

Maria said...
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loulee said...

Wishing you and Tony all the best. We hope the road is not too long. Love and healing thoughts Lou and Tony. (((Hugs)))

Julie said...

Oh gosh - so very sorry to read this Jo. Wishing you & Tony a smooth road ahead for the healing process. Yes you need to take this time for more important things - we will all be here when you return. Sending you the very best wishes & healing prayers Jo. xx

Janet O. said...

So very sorry to read what is going on for you and Tony. Will definitely keep you both in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!!

Susan Smith said...

Our thoughts are with you both and sad to hear about this. Please take care & hugs from us here in West Gippsland.

Jenny said...

I am so sorry to read your news, what a terrible thing to happen in your lives. Sending Kiwi best wishes to you both, take care as you navigate around this challenge. My thoughts are with you both.

Ondrea said...

Please do not worry about blogging!!! Oh my! Please look after yourself and your dear hubby. I wish him a speedy recovery and am sending you some healing hugs.

cityquilter grace said...

so sorry to hear jo....hoping things settle down and he can get to work on PT...they are angels youknow...but it is work and he is fortunate to have you with him during this challenge...

Janice said...

Oh Jo. We are thinking of you both at this difficult time. We hope Tony’s rehabilitation goes well and that he will be home before too long.

Vireya said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Jo! All the best to Tony for his recovery, and to you as you deal with everything.

Mari said...

Oh Jo! I am so sorry about your husband's troubles. Sending you all kinds of good wishes for a fast recovery. Take care.

Karen S said...

Hi Jo. I want to wish you and your family all the best. I know you will be busy with hubby, but please take care of yourself as well. All the best.

kiwikid said...

I am so sorry to read this news Jo, do not worry about blogging, we will see you when you can get back. I hope Tony heals well, look after yourself. Thinking of you xx

Preeti said...

Sending healing wishes for Tony. Lots of love and hugs to you!

jude's page said...

thinking and praying for you both Jo, hope to catch up with you soon

Hanne said...

I am so sorry to read that your husband and you are going through such a hard time! Wishing you all the best!