I know I haven't posted for 2 weeks but here is a catch up.
Well, isn't it a strange time we are all living. Social distancing. I can surely say that there are so many people around that do not understand what this means.
All I seem to be doing is working (I am one of the lucky ones to still have a job) then coming home exhausted, not seeing anyone and not doing anything during the week.
I spent the long weekend in March painting some feature walls in my house and hanging picture frames. We have lived here 4 years now and I have only decided what I wanted to do.
My daughter and family were supposed to come up here for a weeks holiday but that's not allowed atm.. so we have to wait. It's very disappointing but we are catching up on facetime. No cuddles with the grandies...
Okay, so it was the EASTER weekend and I spent 2 days catching up on filing, sleeping, cleaning out cupboards, linen press but not my sewing room.
I finally got around to taking some photos and doing some sewing.
I hope you enjoy this catch up and unusual long post from me. Please sit down, relax and enjoy the read.
It was my birthday in early March and at my quilt group we have a swap on.
I was lucky enough to be given some fat quarters at the end of Feb, well before stay at home social distancing started. These are only half the amount I will receive. I suppose its something to look forward to when we can meet up again, receiving the rest.
Anyway thanks to those who gave these beautiful 1930's fat 1/4's.
I think they might be used in my Farmers Wife quilt.
I have made a few masks and here is my selfie.
I know hairdressers are still working but at this time I do not think they are essential and do not want to be too close to them knowing the amount of people they are in contact with.
So I have to deal with the messy hair...
At least my nose and face are covered if need be..
This is what I ended up making. A total of 15. I have given them out to a few people at work. Not that we have to wear them yet but there are some that want them and I'd like to have them ready.
There are so many free patterns and tutorials around and this was the one I was happy with.
I like the ties because they can fit any size head. The elastic ones would make annoy my ears.
I wanted to sew a little project for a bit of fun.
I had a small strip of QAYG left over from an Aussie Hero quilt ( next post ) and didn't want to throw it away. I also have a big tub of zips. I searched Pinterest and came across a great site with lots of free patterns and tutorials

Make a cuppa and have a browse
I saw these on a blog a while ago. I thought I would make some for gifts. I already had the shelf liner and of course, plenty of fabric. They were quick and easy to make..

Have a look here.
I cut them about 6-7" square depending on the size of shelf liner you have. Just cut it to get the most out of the piece. I back it with 2 pieces of fabric so when sewn and turned the seams are enclosed. I have added ribbon for the loop. I can hang one on a hook on my fridge so it can be easily found.
Here is one pictured with a Vegemite jar so you can see the size.
I've finished a few more jar grippers. These are great gifts and not too much to put in the post. I'm happy I've made a great start for the gift box.
I am doing the number draw afor my quilt group. Here is where we are at. I did a short video of the drawing so it could be put on Facebook. I'm not on there so another member put it up for the rest of the group to see. We putit in our newsletter every month so are always a month ahead.
No. 12 APRIL UFO PROJECT is to make 2 BORO bags.
Here is the first one. All the pieces are hand stitched. Now for the bag .
I actually got this project bag finished. Zip an all. Last time I made this pouch I was putting the zip in and I trimmed the size. HAHA, I cut the zipper pull off but not this time. That mistake is embedded in my brain to not do it again.. Here is my number 12 project finished. I did have on my list to get 2 finished in April but I'm not sure of that. I will try and get another Boro piece laid out and start to stitch it of a night. I think I will make it into a smaller bag.
I am so glad it is the weekend. I have had such a busy week at work but I cannot complain ... at least I still have a job. I am looking forward to a sleep in, some sewing and some good food.
We have not been allowed to eat out for a while and I was getting sick of the usual sandwiches so today I had a bit of fun. I put together a beautiful platter that I enjoyed very much. I called it my isolation, social distancing and celebrating life lunch. Boy did I enjoy it.
Now I am in the mood for some sewing.
I have had my Bookcase quilt blocks up on my wall for months now. It's about time I got started with something to get them finished but I didn't know how I wanted it to look. Finally an idea has come to mind so a rearrange happened. Of course that meant I need to make some more blocks. I'm doing that at the same time as I sew the rows together with the new layout. All I need to do is figure out where the book title selvages will be placed.
I have started to put the book titles on some books using selvages. There is also a book bark added to one.
I split some blocks and added black to each side so the shelves weren't over crowded.
2 rows joined and looking good.
Hopefully I'll get some more done tomorrow as I sit and listen to an audio book.
QATW April UFO challenge was no 1. -- My Bookcase quilt...
This is the link to QATW.
Hopefully I can get a post done about the AUSSIE Hero quilt & Laundry Bag I have completed and posted off.