Friday, 21 February 2025

A new Mystery quilt - CHAOS

 I have been watching Conquering Mount Scrapmore on YouTube and decided to join in with a new mystery sewalong. I couldn’t help myself.


It is meant to use up some scraps so I am going to focus on my GREENS.  I have a few of them.

Using up some threads too

Find the greens

Fabrics decided. I also have the die in the correct size to use in the go cutter. This saved some cutting time.

Cutting done

Also cut with the go cutter.

Both steps finished.

Brenda puts out a new clue in a video on YouTube every Wednesday.
This is going to make a queen size quilt so there is a lot more to make.


Lin said...

You have some lovely greens there - looking good so far. xx

Karen S said...

This will be very interesting. Can't wait to see how it goes.

Narelle said...

I love the name ... Mount Scrapmore :D
Looking good!

kiwikid said...

Great blocks Jo and great name for the quilt along.

Jenny said...

That will keep you busy!

Maria said...

Mystery’s are always fun and a good way to use some scraps.
So good you had the right dye, saved a lot of cutting.

Susan said...

This sounds like fun - & hopefully your green bin will be less full at the end!