Friday, 7 February 2025

Clean up and mending

During my clean up I found a lot of mending. Not only mine but my bosses as well.
Oops, I think I have had this for 12 months.
So I started with a favourite dress of mine. I have 2 of these in different colours.

I remember wearing this to work. As it is a long dress, I only wore it on 40 degree days, the wheels on my desk chair got caught and tore it.

The first skirt.. elastic had lost its stretch and needed replacing.
My dress needed taking up due to the fabric being caught in the wheels of my desk chair at work.
The 3rd… the bust was to big and gaped at the sides showing all of my bra.
4th dress was my bosses. The waist seam had frayed and just needed a little mend job.
My black dress has a side seam exposed. That was an easy fix.

I’m not a fan of mending but this cleared a big pile in my sewing room.


cityquilter grace said...

when mending is done tho it's a great feeling of satisfaction...tickles my frugality bone too...

Janet O. said...

It is satisfying to have a pile of mending done. And I do love the feeling of rescuing something that would have been tossed otherwise. That said, however, I tend to put off mending for anything else I can find to do--especially if it involves changing, thread, needles, and machine throat plate. Congrats to you on completing the mending pile!

Jenny said...

Mending is a necessary evil. But I find it often takes so little time to complete, that I wonder why on earth I put it off for so long! Isnt it a good feeling to "just get it done"

Susan said...

Not a fan of mending either . . .and now you wonder why you put it off for so long...LOL

Janice said...

Not fun, but it must be a relief to have it done and your clothes wearable once again. Now you can pop over to my place and tackle my pile. My worst habit is buying trousers and not getting around to taking up the hems. I need to put a day aside and tackle them.

Lin said...

Nice feeling to have all that done I am sure. xx

Maria said...

Like most of the ladies I also don't like mending and know there is plenty waiting to be done as well as ironing.

jude's page said...

Mending seems to be in the pile for a looong time here too, and that reminds me that Barry put some trousers by the machine last week?? Wonder how long they might take to do!

dq said...

For some reason, we quilters don't love to take time to mend when we could sew a fun project. Good job! My poor husband usually mends his own things. He is pretty good at it though.