Wednesday, 12 March 2025

All 10 placemats delivered

 I continued on with the placemats. Different colours, different looks but using a lot of scraps.

2 green

A lovely bright yellow & orange

Then on to 2 reds.

Here are all 10 before being handed in to the group. 
I plan on getting about 50 made by December. I have now completed 13 so I am on track to achieve this.

I have a few friends that are collecting toiletries from motels when they travel. When I get a few bag fulls I donate them to SHARE THE DIGNITY. These are for women and children that are removed from their homes in cases like domestic abuse. A lot of times they don’t get to pack a bag. So bags are made up and given to them with personal products included.

You can also donate any unused handbags you have that are in good condition. They don’t have to be brand new but must still be nice and not damaged.

I plan on making some patchwork bags throughout the year too.

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