Monday, 24 March 2025

Part 6 of Mystery Chaos - cutting… Part 7 - the block layout

 This week was an easy one. Cut, cut and cut.

Out came my green tub. 

Easier to tip them out on the floor.

I sorted out pieces that I could cut 4.5” squares & 4.5” * 8.5” rectangles.

All parts laid out ready for the block layout.

Part 7. The block layout.

Sewing the block together. Next week there will be a video showing different settings of putting the blocks together. There are 16 blocks measuring 20”. This will make a queen size quilt.

With the smaller pieces I used my go cutter to cut 2.5” * 4.5” to use in the border and the leftovers to be used as a start for my potato chip blocks.

The left over strips and crumbs have been packed away. Brenda has a string quilt sew along coming up in April so hopefully some of the greens will be used.


Maria said...

Look forward to seeing your mystery come together.

loulee said...

That block looks interesting, it will be fun to see it all together.

Janice said...

It must be intriguing to see how all the components turn into a quilt.

kiwikid said...

Great looking blocks Jo. Looking forward to it coming together.

Lin said...

Your blocks are coming together nicely - interesting! xx

cityquilter grace said...

belated happy birthday and many more! i love all your pretty placemats and anxious to see more of this mystery!

Janet O. said...

Wow--those are big blocks!
That looks like such a big job to find the scraps the right size and then press and cut them all. I'm tired thinking about it, but your blocks are really moving along!