Friday, 9 June 2023

Goodbye Mum.. Charity quilts completed with labels.

 I have been away for a few days saying goodbye to my MIL Sheila. She held on for nearly 11 weeks in palliative care not eating. She did well and it was very tiring for her. We had her memorial last weekend and said goodbye. This day was also mum and dads wedding anniversary. 

We travelled 2000 kms. in the one weekend.

It was time to clean my sewing room and get some things done.
Here is my clean sewing room ready for some stitching… 

First up was to put labels on the charity quilts that had been completed for a while.

Labels ironed on and ready for sewing.

All 12 are done and bagged ready to donate. 

Thanks to the ladies from Sunraysia Patchwork friends.


jude's page said...

Sympathy to you both on the loss of your MIL. I will be saying farewell to my friend this week. Good work getting all those quilts ready to donate.

Maria said...

Hugs to you both on the loss of your Mum and MIL. đź’–
Don’t think your sewing room been that clean in awhile?
Great job finishing the quilts.

Susan said...

Sending hugs to you & the family - a sad time for all.

great work on labeling the charity quilts..and the tidy/organised sewing room!

Jenny said...

So sorry about the loss of your MIL,its always hard to say goodbye, even though we know it is coming. Sending cyber hugs to you and your hubby.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Sorry for your loss x

Janice said...

Sending a hug to you both. It’s sad, even though it was expected. I can’t believe how nice and tidy your sewing room is. Now the challenge is to keep it that way. Good job, getting all those labels on. A mighty effort by your group.

kiwikid said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL, hugs to you both. Your sewing room looks sparkling clean. Well done with the labels, great pile of quilts for donating.

Chookyblue...... said...

HUGS HUGS and more HUGS once again........

Mari said...

Oh, Jo, I'm so sorry about your mother in law. Even when it's expected, losing them is still hard. Many sympathies to you and your husband. Great work on the donation quilts, too.

loulee said...

Sorry for your loss. What a sad time.
Lovely to see a tidy room, want to come and do mine?

Ondrea said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your MIL. May you forever hold fond memories in your heart. Such a tidy sewing room! Well done completing all those lovely quilts.

Jenny said...

Sending love and my deepest sympathy Jo. It is a difficult time for you both.
A bit of hard work by the looks, always good to work the sadness out of your system. Hugs to you

cityquilter grace said...

my condolences jo....such a lovely sewing space you have!

dq said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL. You really traveled far to be with her.

Awe, a clean sewing space just makes you want to get in there and get sewing. Apparently you have been just looking at that huge stack of 12 donation quilts. You are just so wonderful. I feel it such a privilege to know you.

Gail said...

Always hard to say goodbye to someone you love. Remember her with laughter. I only wish my sewing room looked that good!

Vireya said...

So sorry to read this, Jo. I have not been reading blogs much lately so missed this post until now. Condolences to all the family.