Wednesday 6 December 2023

25.11.2023 Japanese Tea Ceremony

 We left the motel for the last day of our trip. A small group of us headed off to do a Japanese Tea Ceremony. This cost $80 per person

We got to dress in a Kimono. The staff bound us, tied us and made us stiff. It is tough wearing these. We had flowers put in our hair.

A couple of us couldn't manage sitting on the floor so we were given a stool. We still had trouble getting up when we had time for photos.

M was padded and bound that tight that she lost her neck.

There was also a plum filled dumpling

There was a little sweet treat for us. i was lucky enough to get a little rabbit that was like a meringue.

You had to froth the green tea up which made it a little less bitter.

When outside for photos there was a lady who was a professional model photographer. She was doing the ceremony too. She also offered to take our photos and she took loads on all our phones.

Time for the taxi. It cost $50 to get there and $105 to get back to the motel. I think we got ripped off. i also think there is a dear fee/rate if you go the freeway....

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

looks like an amazing experience.........