Thursday, 6 March 2025

Block 4 CHAOS Mystery

  This one was an easy block. Make 16 QST that measure 4.5”.

We were asked to cut 8* 5.25” squares each of 4 different colour fabrics. Do not use your neutral fabrics though. Use your scraps. 

I’m making a green quilt so chose a few different shades of green with very different patterns.

Marking them with my little 1/2” ruler.

And here they are.

****** So, what I worked out is that if you cut 8 blocks of your 4 colours (32 squares) you will end up with 32 quarter square triangles. 16 colours one direction and 16 in the reverse colour direction. We only need 16 blocks so the extras can be used in the borders. You can choose to use all the same direction blocks or you can mix them up with the reverse blocks. I suppose if you don’t want to make all the extra blocks up and are happy with mixing the block orientations you only need to cut half the total blocks to yield the 16 blocks we need. You will be limited with colour/pattern though.. *****

Now for the trimming…..


loulee said...

I'm loving the colours you're using.

Maria said...

You’re having fun with this mystery.

Lin said...

Lovely fun colourful blocks. xx

Janice said...

I’m enjoying watching this one evolve.