I am writing this post with so much sadness. For the people that have been following me since I started blogging and know me personally they will understand so much of my pain.
On Friday morning I got a phone call with the most horrible news. It was my brother who had been in Melbourne for the night. I had only spoken to him the night before.
His news was that there had been a fatal car crash in his home town and that it was his 24year old son.😭😭😪😪 My brother and his wife had the most traumatic train trip home that morning. I immediately got in the car and travelled the 2 1/2 hours to be with him.
As tragic as this is it was only just over 2 years that this happened to me with my son. To have to relive this week is so unbelievable and painful. I still cry everyday for my son but now I know he will be showing and helping his cousin the way. I know what my brother and his wife are going through. They are apologetic to me for having to go through it again. This week is so hard.
My mum is not well enough to travel and this is the third grand child she has now lost. Yes, my 2 brothers and I have now all lost a son.
Understandably I am not sewing, posting or commenting on blogs. I have read the odd few. I am not sure what will happen this week or where I will be but I know I do have everyone's support.
I am so sorry to make such a sad post but I need to express myself somewhere. Thanks everyone for the calls and texts so far.
Hope to be back onboard soon.
I am lost for words Jo - if I had any they probably would not be of any help to you - just know I am thinking of you and your brother and sister inlaw - your whole family. My prayers and thought will be with you over the coming weeks. I feel for your dear mother - life is just so damned cruel at times. xoxox
Nothing I write seems enough Jo. My love and thoughts are with you and your family. Huge hugs.
Oh Jo, there's nothing I can say that will make your loss any easier. Life is so cruel and why your family has had to endure so much I just don't know. Sending you huge hugs and love. You know you will have nothing but support from all of us in blogland. Take care xxxxx
Oh Jo that is absolutely tragic for you. Just so heartbreaking and unbelievably sad. Just know that all your friends in blogland are thinking of you and your family
I am so sorry Jo, nothing we can say will lessen your pain. Thinking of you and your family, big hugs xxx
I'm so, so sorry for your loss! :0(
So much sadness. I'm so sorry for your family's loss.
Oh Jo, I am so sorry to hear the devastating news. Prayers for you, your family, and especially your brother and SIL during this difficult time. HUGS. Yes, you have our support.
I am so sorry to hear your news, Jo. Take care of yourself. We will be here when you are ready to return. Sending you hugs. Christine xx
My deepest sympathy , how horrible for your brother and his family and for you and your family . It is hard to understand why these things happen to young people who have so much to give to the world . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . Hugs Sheila
This is such sad news, tragic news, heart breaking news. I am so sorry for you and your family and send my deepest sympathy.
The My deepest sympathy to you Jo and all your family.
OH Jo My heart goes out to you all My sincere sympathy
I know the pain of losing a child and I used the Blog to help in my healing, so please if you want to vent on here just do it
Hugs to you all
(((HUGS)))) To you and your family Jo, no words can adequately express my sympathy for you all at this time :( Barb.
Oh Jo, I am so sorry! Hang in there sweetie! HUGS!
Hello Jo, my thoughts and prayers for you and your family.I was saddened to read your post, and cannot envisage how you all must feel. Hugs to you and your family. Kind Regards, O'faigh
Jo my heart goes out to you and your brother and his wife. Words are inadequate at this time but you know I am here if you need me. Take care of yourself and yes John will be looking out for his cousin.
Oh no Jo oh no oh gosh I feel for you all my deepest sympathy for your loss, oh life can be so cruel sometimes, sending you hugs you friend and much love xx
words don't seem to say enough.
My sympathies to you and your family.
Oh, Jo, this is just awful. I am so sorry. Many prayers for you and your family, and my deepest sympathies to all of you.
Jo, I am so sorry to hear about your family tragedy. My deepest sympathies to you and yours. All I can do is send you a big big hug. Also, I just received your postcard today and I am super pleased with such a wonderful creation you made for me. Your first time making a postcard...well, you would never know. Take care.
I am so sorry to read this post Jo.....my deepest sympathy to you, your family and extended family. Thinking of you. Hugs.
Oh Jo, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending all my best wishes for you and your family. Tracy.
i lost a son in a car wreck in 84 so i have been there and still grieve today
My heart and prayers go out to your brother and his family as well as yours. I just cannot even imagine what you are going through, Jo. I bet that you can be a real comfort to them right now.
I am so sad for you and your husband and your brother and sister-in-law. As a mother who lost a son in a car accident I can empathsize with you all. Yes, all these things bring your own hurt and loss to the surface and they certainly are hard to deal with. I am thinking of you all. God bless.
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