Saturday, 21 November 2015

Mums tea towels

I have cleaning out mums tea towels and came across these.
Here are some really old cloths done with cross stitch. They are badly stained and I'm not quite sure wether to try and clean them. Really I don't know how to clean them safely.
Aren't they fun.
Mums cross stitch tea towels
I saw a post on SHEZ's blog
about some that Keryn was gifted..
They are a different pattern. Have a look to see how cute they are.

 I came across this article in an old 2000/2001 AUSTRALIAN COUNTY CRAFT magazine. The photo was courtesy of Wendy Miller and Kalinka Antiques. Wendy was missing one tea towel. SATURDAY....

At mums I also came across some souvenir towels I had bought her when I was on a trip overseas.
Some weren't even used yet. So I brought them home, gave them a wash and am now using them myself. Of course I had to clean out my linen closet..
Mums souvenir tea towels
I was recently given a sweet sachet smelling of cinnamon and cloves. It is now hanging in my closet and I just love opening up the door.


marina said...

Such pretty tea towels hope you work out how to get the stains out.
Great stash of souvenir towels too. A friend of mine made a big table cloth/quilt for picnics with her stash of souvenir tea towels, it looked great.

Linda said...

Those cross stitch pictures are delightful - far too good and far too much work involved to have been used as a cloth. Hope you manage to clean them successfully.and perhaps turn them into a little quilt for a wall hanging? Those souvenir tea towels always seem too nice to use, so I know how your mum felt. However, I recently decided to use mine instead of hoarding them and bravely threw out some of my older ones.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo wow love the tea towels,they are beautiful,Thankyou so much for such a fun wonderful day,xx

Val's Quilting Studio said...

This is such a great idea!! I too really like your tea towels.

Karen's Korner said...

I hope that you can restore those gorgeous tea towels and re-purpose them. Keep us posted on what you do.

Sheila said...

Your Mum's tea towels are a real treasure , I hope you can restore them and maybe make something with them . Maybe incorporate them into a small quilt ?

kiwikid said...

Your Mums tea towels are amazing Jo, I hope you can restore them....I have no idea how though!! Lots of souvenir tea towels get made into laundry bags for Ausie Heros....I am sure you would have seen them...I recently sent some to a friend in SA, a group in her Mums retirement village folded them into handbags, they looked amazing.

elliek said...

Hope that you manage to get the teatowels clean again, they are wonderful. I like Marina's idea too. I am sure you will work out something really special.

MarneyMay said...

Love the tea towels. You could try a past of bicarb soda and lemon juice (try it on a small spot first) it will fizz when you mix it but after it settles down spread some on the spots and wait a couple of hours before washing the area by habd. My mother in law used lemon juice to remove grass stains and I have used the bicarb and lemon on old linen, Good luck

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lots of treasures đź’–

Kate said...

You've got some fun and lovely tea towels there. Hope you can get the stains out of the first set, those are so pretty.

dq said...

Oh how I love those tea towels! Embroidery work is so dainty and beautiful.

BizarreQuilter said...

Gorgeous... goes to show there is always something useful to sew and use in our own homes. xo