Sunday, 23 July 2017

The next Aussie Hero quilt...

This request is for Australian Native Animals.
I searched for pieces of fabric in my stash and cut as many big rectangles as I could, then smaller squares. 

I found some contrasting fabrics that matched.
Drew up a design and cut the strips.

Cut all the pieces, laid them out and started sewing.

I miscalculated these strips. They were 1" too short. Oh well, cut some squares and add them in.

Oops, I sewed these upside down. Time to unpick and reset.

Here are all the blocks done. 
Nearly a quilt top.
It won't be long.

I saw this design in Pinterest.
It's called BQ4 by Maple Designs.


Vireya said...

That's a terrific design!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

What a perfect pattern for large prints. The fabrics are adorable and this looks like it will be a beautiful finish...just perfect for the hero. Sorry you had some unpicking to do. Happy stitching! --Andrea

Linda said...

What a great design, random but organised. I like it very much!

Linda said...

Love the dark green colour.

dq said...

There you go again, sewing up your stash to give to others in need. Great work!

elliek said...

Looks great... not a fan of reverse sewing as I am sure you aren't either.

margaret said...

this design works so well with your animal fabrics I do love a quilt with a variety of sized blocks a real beauty with lovely prints in

BizarreQuilter said...

you are such an inspiration Jo. xo

Maria said...

What a fantastic flimsy. I bet it's finished and in the post...

Terry said...

That's going to be a great quilt! :0)

Susana Laurencia said...

Perfect pattern for large prints.
