Tuesday 2 July 2024

CHOOKSHED challenge . July no. 1 … Binding in winter

 Oh good choice this month. CHOOKSHED challenge no.1 has been drawn to work on in July

I will be working on finishing a binding on my Bonnie Hunter En Provence quilt started in 2017.

The binding was attached back in May 2023 

Now to get the binding completed.
I’m linking up with Deana


Denice Barker said...

Gorgeous! That red just makes it sparkle.

Laura said...

A beautiful quilt and a very doable goal for the month! :)

Maria said...

Oh I had forgotten about that one… be great to have it finished for you.

loulee said...

This months challenge will keep you warm on the cool winter evenings.

Narelle said...

Wow! Gorgeous quilt ... good luck!