Monday 21 December 2020

Another USA swap.... Xmas Stockings & Beaded Knitted Scissor Keeps.

I just can't help myself.. I joined another swap. Anyone that signed up sews 6 blocks of 2 different designs of blocks that get sewn into a stocking block which measures 12" finished. I had to send 5 of each block to Candis in the USA. She will collate all the blocks and forward me 10 blocks to give me a total 12 to make up into a quilt anyway I like.
block no. 2
I know mine won't be here before Xmas but it will be exciting when I get them. I have been making some last minute gifts. They are knitted and use approx. 280 seed beads threaded on to the thread first. Here are my cute little beaded handbag scissor keeps. Scissor keeps are designed to be heavier than the scissors so that if/when you drop them the keep hits the ground first and not the point of your scissors.
The beads glisten and I think they are a great little gift. Easy enough to mail as well.
Here is a closer look.


Janice said...

Lovely blocks and very cute scissor keeps.

Maria said...

Love the scissors keep....
Nice blocks you’re swapping....

Jenny said...

Very nice blocks you are swapping. I used to take part in lots of block swaps years ago, there were fun by an Ausse internet quilting group, Southern Cross Quilters I think they were called. When they changed to Facebook I couldnt take part. Anyway, I'm sure I still have some swap blocks tucked away, in fact the top on my current header page uses blocks from geo different swaps. It will be interesting go see what your swap blocks will be how exciting.

Vireya said...

Thank you for explaining the purpose of scissor keeps! That makes sense but I hadn't realised. Your little beaded handbags are very cute. Threading all those beads on must get a bit tedious though!

I hope the postie brings you your stockings soon. It will be fun to see what arrives.

kiwikid said...

You have made beautiful blocks Jo, it will be exciting when yours arrive.
The scissor keeps are really pretty.

jacaranda said...

Great blocks to swap and mail to look forward to.