Monday 14 December 2020

Halloween Mug rug & Coffee Cozy swap

I bought a new ipad and guess what. ----- I can now do my blog posts from it. Hooray. I always did my blog from the old ipad but due to not being able to update the programs it stopped me from doing my posts. It is so easy now... I took part in a swap with a group in USA. QATW....Quilting Around the World. It was for Halloween. I made this design which I love. I have done it before.. A pumpkin and black cat.. SPOOKY (haha)
and the reverse side....
Due to postage delays we did not receive them in the mail before Halloweeen. This was Jann's reply when she received hers...
I think Jann was very happpy


Linda said...

Well, I first heard of Christmas in July when I went to America in 1968 and now I hear of Hallowe’en at Christmas. Who’d have thunk it????
Lovely Hallowe’en swap, Jo, no wonder Jan loved it.

Janice said...

It must be a relief that your gift finally reached its destination. Now, tell me how you are blogging on your new iPad. Are you using blogger? Is it an app or the web version. I’m having no luck posting from my iPad.