Saturday, 26 September 2015


I saw this information over at Angies sIte.

Go and have a look at what else Angie is doing.....


Quilt Blocks to Heal Violence - Make a Tic Tac Toe block to show your support for ending domestic violence. Details on
There’s an epidemic sweeping our Nation at the moment and it’s killing woman and children in dramatic numbers. This year alone 62 woman have been killed in Australia in acts of violence against women. 62! These deaths are brutal and shocking and are not limited to adult woman, children are being killed as well. This month alone a woman was shot dead allegedly by her ex-partner in a Gold Coast McDonalds in front of other diners. It’s confronting and disgusting that this type of crime is on the rise while our State and Federal Governments are reducing funding to the organisations that try to help women flee these situations.
As the mother of a son it chills me to the bone to think that he may he grow up in a society that passively supports this type of behaviour through the lack of support, funding and education being allocated to eradicating this violence. While I may not have much control past voting and voicing my displeasure in controlling how the Government apportions it’s resources, I can raise my son to know how to respect the women in his life. I can also help him develop the self-respect that will help him know that violence, no matter who it’s directed towards, is never the answer and it’s never acceptable. Never.
When Jackie Gillies (@jackiegillies) reached out and asked for a donation of Tic Tac Toe Blocks to go towards helping her make quilts to donate to a domestic violence refuge I jumped at the chance to show my support. Jackie says, “I wanted to wrap these women and children in something warm and made with love…” and this is a sentiment I can whole heartedly support. Nothing provides warmth and comfort like a handmade quilt.
The response has been great so far and Jackie has now decided that she’s going to make 8 quilts and donate them to a Women’s Refuge in each State and Territory of Australia. I’ve made 3 quilt blocks to donate (one for each member of our family) and I’d love it if you could help out as well (but only if you can!).


Block: Tic Tac Toe – it’s great for all skill levels (there’s no HSTs!) – click here to get the tutorial.
Colour Palette: Bright centre cross with low volume background fabrics.
What is Low Volume: White or cream with a grey/black/white print. See blocks on the hashtag #quiltblockstohealviolence for examples.
How Many Can You Make: As many as you would like.
Who Can Donate: Anyone!
Where Do I Send The Blocks: Quilt Blocks To Heal Violence, 7 Barton St, West Footscray, Victoria, Australia 3012.
Closing Date: Donations will be accepted until the end of October. Jackie is aiming to have them pieced, quilted and bound ready to be gifted before Christmas.
Got a Question: Click here to email Jackie
If you would like to donate cash to support the end of violence against women then you can donate via White Ribbon by clicking here.
If you are in need of support you can find help in Australia by clicking here. You are not alone, you can get help.


Linda said...

This sounds a very good cause. I hope the quilts bring some sunshine to these unfortunate women and children.

Sue Niven said...

Thank you for bring attention to this very good cause. I will be making some blocks and passing on this message on my blog too.

Kate said...

Great blocks for such a good cause. Though it is very sad the such a cause is needed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,thankyou it is a good cause,my daughter works in this area and they need so much help and awareness.xx

Maria said...

Happy to make some blocks for such a good cause. Sad we need to.

kiwikid said...

Great idea Jo...sure is sad we need to be makjng these..but lovely that people will.

Melody said...

Well said Jo