Saturday 22 June 2024

Farmers Wife progress.

 I needed to catch up on my April 26th Bock 86.

Foundation piecing is the way to go.

Here is the finished block.

Next up was to start on my May blocks. I haven’t focused on these blocks since I was in Echuca so it was good to get some more done.
So here are my blocks for the 10th May.

Block 94
The colours are muted and blend into each other but it will be ok.

Look at the way I have ironed the seams to get them flat.

Block 22
This was a bit of a challenge but I found Susan Gatewood’s printouts  were very helpful. 

And the blocks is done.

Thursday 20 June 2024

I have started my sashiko

 This month for the CHOOKSHED challenge is no. 10. I went to start it but wasn’t happy with the way I had prepared it so I unpicked and restitched around the outsides and a cross in the centre to stabilise it for hand stitching. Now I am happy.

Sunday night I started to do some stitching. Taking it slowly. I am happy.

The front

The back 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

More Farmers Wife blocks. Well one anyway.

 Wow. This was a doozie. My mind just had trouble getting started.

Block 110

Sitting and sewing while listening to YouTube The Last Homely Quilter

Foundation paper piecing is tricky.

Once you get all the pieces stitched it’s time to join them together and getting the points to match.
So I pin on the seam points. I only push the pins in straight and don’t lay them flat.

Then I put dots of basting glue in the seam allowance

Start the seam stitching with the pins still staying straight up and only taking them out as you get to them.
Hopefully keeping the fabrics in the correct spot and points matching.

Some seams get ironed open and some to one side.
Then I use my wooden clapper to help flatten the seams better.

I don’t trim the outside of the block while I am piecing together as I am always having trouble getting them the right size. It is all pieced and ironed.

Papers removed and ironed again.

Now time to trim

And it has worked out beautifully. Yes, some points are off but I can live with it.

110 completed.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Kiwis have a new home. It’s finished and delivered.

 Last months CHOOKSHED challenge is finished and has been delivered to its new home. I have loved doing this big stitch quilting. I can see more in the future. 

I know why Linda . Koshka2quilts makes smaller quilts and hand quilts most of them. They are so manageable. Thanks Linda for the inspiration to give it a go.

It only measure 36” * 39” and used a lot of scraps.
The striped binding works so well.

I used chenille on the back for the first time. It was so soft and fluffy.
When it was washed it came out very different. Maybe needs a real windy day to fluff it up. A lot of the fluff came off and balled up on to the front blocks.
Anyway, here is the difference before washing and after.

Thanks Louise for the Kiwi pattern

Linking up with Anja Quilts

Saturday 15 June 2024

Hand sewing a special project.

 I have been spending a lot of time making a special project. I cannot show the finished item but I can give you some sneaks..

My friend drew a cute little picture and designed a hand made mirror for her purse. It had the drawing on the back of the mirror. Then she had it printed on fabric for me to make a special pouch to hold and protect it.  A carved wooden box is also being made to store it all and it will then be entered into an exhibition in the UK.

A little bit of braid for the edges with fresh water pearls added from our local gem shop. Woodsies.

Here I am measuring to see how long the braid needs to be. The red is a satin lining.

The drawing was printed on to silk so the hand stitching is done in silk thread.

The finishing touches are being added.

This is now completed and has been put in the post too.
A very special project.

Thursday 13 June 2024

When fluff falls onto your sewing

 It’s time to clean your machine and change your needle. 

Look at all that fluff. It is filthy

My friend told me she used mascara sticks to clean hers. I have used the pipe cleaner and the little brush that comes with the machine. So I gave it a go.
Everything helps. There was so much fluff but it’s all gone now.

Back together again and it sews much quieter.

Monday 10 June 2024

Kiwi top is done - ready for quilting

 I did continue working on my Kiwi quilt top.

Onto joining up the last corner

Borders are on and now to choose the quilting thread.

I was going to use the bigger reel but this is also a 4 ply crochet cotton. It might be too thick. I found 2 reels of a thinner one so I’ll just have to try and see.

All pin basted onto the piece of chenille I had. I did put a thin Pellon as the wadding. The chenille is thick and cuddly enough so no need for a thick wadding too.

I started out with this pile of scraps

and have only a few left

So off to start the big stitch hand quilting.

Saturday 8 June 2024

I have started a new Tea Bag scarf

 I really enjoyed making the last scarf so I have started another one. I have a lot of strings now and I need to get them knitted up. 

I use 40 sts on 4.5 mm needles and knit for about 2 metres (6 1/2 foot)

All I need to do now is to tie them together and roll into a ball.

Do you like my stitch protectors I put on the end of my needles to stop the stitches falling off. I bought these in Japan last year. As I am going again this year I might buy some more. I think they are fun.

Thursday 6 June 2024

This month is BLUE - KAWANDI

 I have decided that I wanted to try to make a Kawandi project.

I had this gingham tablecloth from a picnic set we use. It is very light weight and thin. 

I have wanted to try the Kawandi style of stitching for a while now so I thought this would be a good chance to 1. Make a better tablecloth, 2. Try this technique and 3. Use BLUE for the RSC this month.

I pulled some scraps that had blue in them and started stitching around the edges.

When the first round had been stitched I added one layer of and older, thinner fabric for the lining to add a little more body as the gingham is thin too.

All flattened out ready for some more stitching.

Chooky had a zoom on Saturday so it was a perfect project to sit quietly and get some more stitching done.

I managed to sew around twice more. They are about 1/2” apart so will take a while to finish. I really enjoyed this big stitching. I am using up some of mums crochet cotton too. 
This project is all from stash. Already there is a good weight happening and I think I am addicted to it.

To see more BLUE projects look HERE

Monday 3 June 2024

My weekend of sewing = my kiwis

 I have been playing around making my KIWIs

I decided, with the help of the zoom ladies, what size my baby quilt will be. Also, the design has all been thought out now. This is where I started.

Blocks coming together laid out to work out the size

Enough blocks have been made. I am going to sash with scraps of pink - docket stitched sashings. A small white border.

Appliqué the name on a block for in the corner

I am using the soft, cuddly chenille as the backing.

And have chosen this stripe as the binding. 

Once the design was chosen I was so excited. I just kept sewing all weekend.

Layouts changed

Receipt strips sewn into sashings

Lots of thinking, measuring and calculating.

Until I got this far and it was midnight. 


I think I will be big stitch quilting this with some of mums crochet cotton.

Have a look HERE over at Angela’s for more pink work for the RSC May month.