Monday, 10 June 2024

Kiwi top is done - ready for quilting

 I did continue working on my Kiwi quilt top.

Onto joining up the last corner

Borders are on and now to choose the quilting thread.

I was going to use the bigger reel but this is also a 4 ply crochet cotton. It might be too thick. I found 2 reels of a thinner one so I’ll just have to try and see.

All pin basted onto the piece of chenille I had. I did put a thin Pellon as the wadding. The chenille is thick and cuddly enough so no need for a thick wadding too.

I started out with this pile of scraps

and have only a few left

So off to start the big stitch hand quilting.


Denice Barker said...

Love this quilt but be forewarned, I tried the heavier thread (big wheel) once and it was impossible. Like to have broken my hand trying to get it through especially if you are using chenille on the back. The smaller spools should be just fine, I use those exclusively when I big stitch.

Susan said...

Excellent quilt Jo - good to use up some odd/random bits.

Anonymous said...

Jo, it is truly a wonderful kiwi quilt…pretty in pink! Cheers, Louise

Pili said...

Bonita, bonita y ya tienes menos sobras. BESICOS.

cityquilter grace said...

really cute and so good to make a dent in the pile...

loulee said...

Yep! That scrap pile looks smaller. That is a rare occurrence. LOL
It is a beautiful quilt top and I'm sure your big stitch quilting will only make it better.

Susan Smith said...

Absolutely lovely & can't wait to see the big stitch quilting you do. I've been using pink scraps/stash too this week. Take care & hugs.

Jenny said...

Your Kiwi top looks great. I'm sure you will have an enjoyable time as you sit and big stitch away to your heart's content.

Terry said...

I's so pretty! :0)

Chookyblue...... said...

It looks fantastic and I feel part of it..........

marina said...

well done, it looks very sweet.
Happy quilting!

dq said...

Oh, would you look at that! It is so darn cute in pinks and reds and different sized birds.

Karen S said...

Those kiwis are gorgeous. Lovely blocks and great to have used so much of that fabric pile.

Maria said...

The baby Pink Kiwis quilt is gorgeous......