Saturday 22 June 2024

Farmers Wife progress.

 I needed to catch up on my April 26th Bock 86.

Foundation piecing is the way to go.

Here is the finished block.

Next up was to start on my May blocks. I haven’t focused on these blocks since I was in Echuca so it was good to get some more done.
So here are my blocks for the 10th May.

Block 94
The colours are muted and blend into each other but it will be ok.

Look at the way I have ironed the seams to get them flat.

Block 22
This was a bit of a challenge but I found Susan Gatewood’s printouts  were very helpful. 

And the blocks is done.


Susan Smith said...

Well done & your progress has been good this month. Stay warm, as I've seen your night temperatures are nearly as low as ours now. Take care & hugs.

loulee said...

Great progress. We are so lucky to have help at our fingertips.

Maria said...

Nice catch up blocks…
I iron my seams open and then they usually side nicely!

Ondrea said...

Woohoo! Well done!

Susan said...

Great catch up-its so easy to get behind