Saturday 26 November 2016

Our shed is on its way...

When we moved we knew we wanted a shed to be built. The cars, tools and gardening stuff, Xmas decorations and everything else that is stored for a rainy day needs a home. It wouldn't fit into our garage so we needed a shed. We took a month to decide and get it organised....  Then we had to wait....
But wait no more... Or so we thought....
We got the call to start digging..
Good bye grass

The digger is at work

The box work started for the concrete slab.
Working hard in mid 30deg

The framing is ready for the slab

The dirt is level

Then it was too hot, then too wet... Then one day it was just right.
We got the slab laid.....

Then we will have a shed going up.....
We will have a shed.
Now we have to move all our stuff. Get gravel for the rest of the yard. Finish the garden edge. Tidy up the rockery. Bed and mortar in the edging and we will be done.......  when that happens I'll show a photo.


KimM said...

WOWEE~! HUGE project!

Maria said...

Oh yes everyone needs a shed!!!!

Linda said...

Oh I don't envy you the job but the result will be wonderful!