Monday, 13 June 2016

My weekend...

The other day I caught up with the lovely O'faigh and her husband. My hubby and I went for a visit to her home and had a lovely lunch. We chatted and we laughed.
O'faigh searched through a suitcase of my mums kids knitting patterns.
( she was so excited to start knitting that when we left she raced to the shops for some wool to start knitting.)  How keen is that....
I even brought home with me a great crochet blanket that she makes all the time.
So I have been sitting here making this.....
Easy crochet pattern. Great use for scraps....

It will be a pattern I use lots of times. So far very easy and a great design to use all those scraps....
Then on Monday I went to my sewing day with friends.
Even though it was a public holiday none of us had anything on...

These blocks were made using some fabric that was donated by Anne McAllister from another group I belong to. I am sorting out some fabrics for string blocks that I will be sewing. These blocks I use for Aussie Hero quilts or send to JanMac,.. For charity quilts. None goes to waste...
Block 32.  Splendid Sampler

Block 34. Splendid Sampler
Love the birdies on the line..

Block no. 35 Splendid Sampler
The cross was supposed to be embroidered but I used printed fabric.
I used a different machine and my seam allowance wasn't right so I had to add a border. 

Then I worked on one of the friendship blocks for HEATHCOTE quilters.
My theme was LEADLIGHT & the request was for JAPANESE...

Stained glass Japanese block for HEATHCOTE QUILTERS


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,awesome blocks,you always achieve so much and your work is always so beautiful.
How lovely that you and Lyn got to spend time together and that the hubby's got on so well was an added bonus.
Enjoy your evening and nice to chat on skype tonight xx

KimM said...

Beautiful, beautiful blocks - sounds like a wonderful visit!

Annie said...

You are so talented Jo!!! And busy! Xx

Linda said...

A veritable kaleidoscope of items featuring in your blog post! I had a vivid image of your friend scurrying off to the wool shop to get there before it closed ! Glad you are still supporting Jan Mac. I have just seen some of my QAYG blocks in her latest String Quilt. Very satisfying!

kiwikid said...

Lots of beautiful things happening in your sewing room. Love the SS blocks the little birds are very cute!! The leadlight block is beautiful. Like the look of that crochet, have you started at the corner?

elliek said...

Beautiful blocks Jo

Binsa said...

Love your stain glass block Jo We had the best day with you both on Thursday

Cheryl said...

LOVE crocheted rugs Jo and this is going to be a lovely one. Your SS blocks are looking great

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love all the blocks ... Glad you all had a fab time đź’–

Maria said...

Great crocheting and love your blocks.....

Whoo hoo guess what Jo! You are my swap partner for the " Clayton's Christmas Swap".
Can you please send me your snail mail addy. Thanks....

Sheryl said...

beautiful blocks Jo love that blue birdie fabric.