Look at what Maxine's sister is working on. June only started patchwork this year.
She isn't scared to just give it a go....
She has made the blocks and now is working out how to finish it.
She never measured the quilt centre before making the blocks on the sides.
There was some adjusting to do.
This is how it finished up.

Not bad for a newbie. She still needs to learn about measuring for borders though.
Good on her for giving it a go though.
Great first quilt!
Your new Quilter is doing so well! Love your yellow and green jilt. Super colour choice. You worked really hard to get it done.
It is a lot of fun watching someone new to quilting. She is willing to adjust as needed for when things don't go as planned...or unplanned.
Good on June... well done...xox
Fantastic for a first quilt. Great she has you to help and advise too.
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