Sunday, 18 December 2016

Kilmores November Challenge is on track.

In my Kilmore quilting group we are doing a challenge over the year. We are up to block/month 6. This month we have to make a block that represents planes, trains and automobiles in a Classic Movie theme.... CHALLENGING.
Keeping in mind this is a mystery. 10 months and not knowing what is coming next. I am trying to keep a kids quilt going so I have to keep it fun..... so far it is a Girls quilt. 
Month 6 is here. Time tone it down a bit...... one for the boys....
My choice is HERBIE, the LOVE BUG, no 53.

HERBIE in the making
  The love bug, with his stripes and the checkered flag row.
HERBIE, The Love Bug, no 53

My challenge quilt so far
Month ... my envelopes/letters have changed to the Elvis movie GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS.
Month.... cats. This changed so many times. It was the row I did for the musical month but was told it wasn't a movie but a stage play so thinking caps on..... A later month came up. DISNEY.... Perfect. I then chose the ARISTOCATS. All I need to do is add a cat popping out of one seam. There were 10 in the movie.
That means I had a space for a musical.... so I chose the WIZARD OF OZ.... I'm sure you can find the row... Dorothy's shoes, yellow brick road, rainbows and a house floating away in the storm...
We had a special year choice.... so here came MARY POPPINS.
Then the last to talk about is the Australian/Victorian movie.... PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK...

Don't forget to think Classsic Movies.
I hope I have chosen well.


Michelle Ridgway said...

You are so clever. Well done. Herbie was a fav here and we owned several too x

Maria said...

Your challenge Quilt looks really good.. love Herbie...

elliek said...

Looking good Jo. Love the way The Wizard of Oz is going down not across.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Looking good đź’–đź’–đź’–

BizarreQuilter said...

Oh Herbie! What a fantastic idea! And with the "modern" remakes eternally classic. xo said...

What a unique quilt! I love Herbie. Xo

Jindi's Cottage said...

Love Bug...perfect! Picnic at Hanging Rock...even a little "local" flavour!...

Nancy said...

What a cool idea for a quilt. I like your blocks and arrangement.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I use to LOVE Herbie!!! (Great memory!!) You've pulled a variety of rows together perfectly! Thanks for sharing at T.A.